Monday, 22 August 2016

Mini Post: SQL Server Agent Job History

Hey all, welcome back to SQL Something. Man, has it been a while. Too long.

Unfortunate to say however, this post will not be particularly epic to make up for the long absence. Like, not epic at all. But, you know what? Let's go into it. If it helps one person, then that's plenty. :-)

Today we are looking at SQL Server Agent Job history.

A SQL Server Job allows us to automate a process to run at particular times, either as a one time event or repeatedly for some specified duration (or indefinitely). Setting up jobs for performing backups is an example of a great way to use jobs.

A job's history can show us a number of things. It can show us if the job ran successfully and if not, it can give us an indicator as to why. It can also show us some useful info such as the creds used to invoke the job, as well as the duration of time taken for the job to run (this last I find pretty helpful).