Hey everyone! Welcome back to SQL Something!
Let's see if we can get a couple posts in on the last day of the month.
In the next few posts we're gonna take a brief look at some of the
command prompt utilities that get installed when you install Integrated
Services (IS). These utilities are 32-bit unless you also install Client
Tools or Data Tools.
The first of which is
here (DTEXEC.exe).
The second of which is
DTUTL.exe is a command prompt utility used to manage SSIS packages. DTUTIL allows you to
DELETE or verify if a package
EXISTs. The utility can be used on packages stored in:
- A SQL Server DB
- A SSIS Package Store
- The File System
(You designate the package location via the location options: /SQL, /DTS, /FILE respectively)
Syntax is as follows: DTUTIL /OPTION[Value] [/OPTION[Value]...]
Example: DTUTIL /SQL PackageName /DELETE
The above example calls the utility and tells it to delete the package named 'PackageName' in a SQL Server DB.
There are several
parameters for the utility, but we'll just look at a few key ones below:
- /COPY - allows you to copy a package to a designated location.
- /DELETE - allows you to delete apackage in a designated location.
- /EXISTS - verifies that a package exists in a designated location.
- /MOVE - moves a package from a designation source to a designated destination.
When copying to a SQL Server DB, sometimes credentials are required. For this you can use the below optional parameters:
- /SOURCEU - Source Username
- /DESTU - Destination Username
- /SOURCEP - Source Password
- /DESTP - Destination Password
DISCLAIMER: As stated, I’m not an expert so please, PLEASE feel free to
politely correct or comment as you see fit. Your feedback is always
welcomed. :-)