Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Mini Post: Setting Line Numbers In the Query Window

1st Mini Post!!!

I think I’m gonna do these every now and again, in addition to the weekly posts. Stuff that’s a little too small to be a normal post, but stuff that’s still useful.

Alrighty, let’s set line numbers shall we? Honestly I don’t know why a) it’s not on as default or b) it’s so roundabout to set up a simple thing but hey, that’s just me.

Monday, 8 April 2013

SQL Server: Setting Up Transactional Backups

Heya guys, it’s been awhile. Welcome back to the first SQL Something in 2 weeks. I sincerely apologise for this. The first week I came down with an awful fever and then the second week was really busy workwise. 

Sigh, still feeling pretty bad about not updating though. Bleh.

Anyhoo let’s begin without further ado. This week, we’re gonna take a look at setting up Transactional Backups.